There are 11 selection charts included in the software. Further information about the use of these charts can be found in the introduction section of this site. A brief overview of using the charts is included on the CD.
The various features of this section include:
Each chart starts with a view of only the main classes of materials (as shown in the screen-shot above); by clicking on the appropriate class, it is 'populated' with the bubbles for the materials it contains.
By clicking the appropriate icon, "teaching points" relevant to the specific chart are shown. The teaching points are split into: general information, physical insights and example uses.
Regions of the chart can be "masked off" by drawing appropriate selection lines.
Young's modulus - Density
Young's modulus - Cost/kg
Strength - Density
Strength - Toughness
Strength - Elongation
Strength - Cost/kg
Strength - Maximum service temperature
Specific stiffness - specific strength
Electrical resistivity - Cost/vol.
Recycling fraction - Cost/kg
Energy content - Cost/kg
Return to overview of TEP
software selection tool.
Last updated: 17/03/2000. Please email any comments to: Andrew Lovatt